International Conference on Imaging – September 5-8 – Geneva : Abstract submission

International Conference on Imaging – September 5-8 – Geneva : Abstract submission

First international conference on  Basic and Clinical multimodal Imaging (BaCI) – This meeting will assemble two groups of scientists who until now hold individual meetings, one group more oriented towards methodological developments of signal and image analysis (ISFSI and ISBEM), the other towards clinical applications of these methods (ISBET, ISNIP, ECNS). It was felt that efforts should be undertaken to bring these two groups of researchers together in order to jointly advance the state-of-the art of non-invasive imaging. This will help to promote interactions between those who develop and those who apply imaging methods.

Don’t miss the unique opportunity to present your latest research to an international audience.

To submit an abstract

To register for the meeting

To see the final program

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