“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world” Prof. Klaus Schwab
This 5th edition of our Smart Health conference explores two years of pandemic that have put our digital infrastructure to the test. What do we learn from this? How do we project ourselves into the future? is a digital reset required?
To discuss this, some twenty specialists will explore the sectors of:
- Prevention (09’00-10’00)
- Diagnosis (10’00-10’30)
- Treatment (10’30-11’00)
Followed by a
General discussion (11’00-12’00)
“How the pandemic will shape our digital future”
Keynote (12’00-12’15):
Dr. Lim Goh, IT guru & Senior Vice President & Chief Technology Officer, AI, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Singapore
- Evgeniy Akulich, EY Parthenon – Partner | Strategy
- Rich Bird, HPE, Worldwide, Healthcare and Life Sciences Lead
- Dr. Sergio Carmona, CEO & Chief Medical Officer FIND, the global alliance for diagnostics, Campus Biotech Geneva
- Salvatore Cincotti, CEO Genegis SA
- Philomena Colatrella, CEO CSS Insurance
- Dr. Ricard Delgado, Head of the Embedded Software Group CSEM
- Stéphane Duguin, CEO CyberPeace Institute, Campus Biotech Geneva
- Prof. Antoine Flahault, Director, Global Health Institute, UNIGE, Campus Biotech Geneva
- Dr. Philippe Girard, Deputy Executive Director Swissmedic
- Dr. Piret Hirv, Head of Health Technology Division, Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol, Estonia
- Pascal Koenig, co-founder and CEO – Ava
- Andrew Koubatis, Capgemini Engineering, Life Science Center of Excellence Leader
- Prof. Christian Lovis, Chairman, Medical Information Sciences, University Hospitals of Geneva
- Dr. Alex Madama, HPE, Healthcare and Life Sciences Chief Technologist
- Prof. Olivier Michielin, MD-PhD Departement of oncology UNIL CHUV Prof. Marcel Salathé, Head of the Digital Epidemiology Lab – Campus Biotech Geneva
- Dr. Nikos Paragios, cofondateur et CEO de TheraPanacea