C-Suite Series Event @ Biopôle, Lausanne on Digital Health, Jan. 19th, 2016 17:30

C-Suite Series Event @ Biopôle, Lausanne on Digital Health, Jan. 19th, 2016 17:30

With the convergence of IT and genomic revolutions, the digital health has emerged as an invaluable tool allowing people to better track, manage, and improve their own and their family’s health, and live better. It’s also helping to reduce inefficiencies in healthcare delivery, improve access, reduce costs, increase quality, and make medicine more personalized and precise.
All these topics around Digital Health will be addressed by key opinion speakers on Jan. 19th 2016 at Biopôle specially for a highly selective audience of CXO managers.

We are very pleased to welcome you to this event!

Provisional Program:

17h00 – 17h30 : Registration and welcome

17h30 – 17h45: Drazen Nikolic, Partner, Analytics lead EMEIA Advisory Center, EY
Moving From Regulatory Approval To Reimbursement And The Role Of RWE In Re-Designing Development

17h45 – 18h00 : Thierry Weber, MD
Digital transformation of healthcare: the physician’s and patient’s perspectives

18h00 – 18h15: Eric Maire, EMA Consulting
Global Digital Health Market with a focus on NCDs

18h15 – 18h30 Alexandre Grutman, Co-Founder & CEO Inno-Fuel
Will mobile health be the next lost opportunity for Europe ?

18h30 – 18h45: Prof. Antoine Geissbuhler, eHealth and Telemedicine, Geneva University and Hospitals
Digital Health and strategic evolution in University Hospitals

18h45 – 19h00: Round table discussion
19h00 – Open end : Networking apéro

Online Ticket Purchasing
(payment upon invoice for 200CHF is possible by emailing at info@nextrends.ch)
– Full package ticket : 150 CHF
– Start-ups (<10 employees, <2years): 50 CHF
– Register for 5 events (5th is free): 600 CHF

Venue: Building Biolpole IV, Corniche 3
(Métro stop Croisette)


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